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Dental Sedation for Anxious Patients in Toronto

Are you feeling anxious or nervous about an upcoming dental procedure? Talk to your dentist at Yonge Street Dental about dental sedation to help you feel more calm during your next appointment. 

Dental Sedation, Toronto Dentist

I'm an anxious patient... will dental sedation help?

Dental sedation can help patients relax and feel more comfortable during dental procedures. You may choose from a variety of methods such as inhalation or oral sedation.

The type of sedation your dentist may recommend depends on your medical history, your level of anxiety and the complexity of the procedure. Sedation is generally safe when administered at an office approved by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.  

Our team at Yonge Street Dental will do everything in our power to help patients feel relaxed and comfortable during their dental appointments. Along with offering dental sedation options, we will calmly reassure you, work at your pace and take breaks whenever you may need them. 

Types of Dental Sedation Offered by Yonge Street Dental 

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Mixed with oxygen, nitrous oxide can help to induce a relaxed state and help calm patients while they stay awake. They will also be able to communicate.

While this form of sedation can help to lessen anxiety, the effects will wear off quickly and the patient can return to their normal activities shortly after their appointment. 

Oral Sedation

Your dentist can prescribe an oral sedative in pill form to be taken about an hour before your procedure. It will help to induce a relaxed state if you experience dental phobia or anxiety.

While you may feel drowsy during the procedure, you'll still be awake and feel significantly calm and able to communicate. 

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